Young plants
We produce seedlings of a large number of bedding and balcony plants, herbs, ground covers and poinsettia in various pot sizes, depending on the requirements of the crops.
- Minimum order quantity is 104 pieces per variety or 84 pieces for the Big-Pot 84.
- The trays are machine-processable
Jungpflanze im B+B-Pot
- bewurzelte Jungpflanze zu 104 Stück je Sorte, ein CC fasst 7280 Stück.
- Diese Größe nutzen wir für kleinblättrige Kulturen, die sehr engen Stand auch auf dem Transport gut vertragen
- verschiedene Gattungen bieten wir für Ihren Kulturerfolg ausschließlich als doppelt gesteckte Jungplfanzen an, andere Gattungen, z.B. Thymus und Rosmarinus werden gestutzt geliefert.
Young plants in Profi-Pot
- rooted young plant of 104 pieces per variety, one CC holds 7280 pieces.
- We use this size for small-leaved cultures, which tolerate very narrow stand well even during transport.
- We offer various genera exclusively as double-rooted seedlings for your cultivation success, other genera, e.g. Thymus and Rosmarinus are delivered pinched.
Young plants in Big-Pot 84
- rooted seedling of 84 pieces per variety, one CC holds 3696 pieces.
- In this culture pot we produce Begonia
Mixes and Trios in Kombi-Pot 100
- rooted young plants with 50 pieces per Tray, the minimum order quantity is 100 pieces per item.
- The young plants are put together in the course of cultivation and provide very good conditions for the production of trios, without the need for extra effort in potting.
- These plates are not machine-processable.
- For information on prices and specific delivery requests, please contact our area representatives. Our sales staff will also be happy to submit offers in response to your inquiries.
- We kindly ask you to consider the minimum purchase quantities and packaging units. If you insist on short quantities, the unit price will increase by 100%.